var cardsTitle = ['Bee ', 'Eagle ', 'Spider ', 'Whale ', 'Weasel ', 'Chameleon ', 'Camel ', 'Cat ', 'Goat ', 'Dog ', 'Owl ', 'Ladybird ', 'Elephant ', 'Pink Flamingo ', 'Cheetah', 'Heron ', 'Rabbit ', 'Mongoose ', 'Seagull ', 'Sheep ', 'Bird ', 'Bear ', 'Panda', 'Peacock ', 'Butterfly ', 'Octopus ', 'Penguin ', 'Chicken ', 'Shark ', 'Wild boar ', 'Snake ', 'Monkey ', 'Mouse ', 'Tiger ', 'Tortoise ', 'Zebra ']; var cardsImage = ['bee.jpg', 'eagle.jpg', 'spider.jpg', 'whale.jpg', 'weasel.jpg', 'chameleon.jpg', 'camel.jpg', 'cat.jpg', 'goat.jpg', 'dog.jpg', 'owl.jpg', 'ladybird.jpg', 'elephant.jpg', 'pink-flamingo.jpg', 'cheetah.jpg', 'heron.jpg', 'rabbit.jpg', 'mongoose.jpg', 'seagull.jpg', 'sheep.jpg', 'bird.jpg', 'bear.jpg', 'panda.jpg', 'peacock.jpg', 'butterfly.jpg', 'octopus.jpg', 'penguin.jpg', 'chicken.jpg', 'shark.jpg', 'wild-boar.jpg', 'snake.jpg', 'monkey.jpg', 'mouse.jpg', 'tiger.jpg', 'tortoise.jpg', 'zebra.jpg']; var cardsSigni = ['Bounty, communication and union ', 'Domination, authority and inspiration ', 'Patience, creativity and defence ', 'Healing liberation and protection ', 'Observation, vigilance and intelligence ', 'Agility, sensitivity and perception ', '', 'Independence, intuition and mystery ', 'Curiosity, distance and reserve ', 'Loyalty, assistance and protection ', 'Messenger, secret and intelligence ', 'Luck, happiness and protection ', 'Pride, dignity and stability ', 'Lightness, balance and dynamism ', 'Fraternity, self love and rapidity ', 'Autonomy, exploration and dignity', '', 'Courage, adventure and impulsivity', 'Freedom, adaptation and communication ', 'Innocence, vulnerability and youth ', 'Clarity, happiness and pleasure', 'Solitude, endurance and transformation', 'Observation, adaptability and slowness ', 'Glory, vanity and spirituality ', 'Transition, transformation and eloquence ', 'Intelligence, illusion and intellect ', 'Determination, endurance and self-will ', 'Audacious, social and optimistic ', 'Predator, rapidity and efficiency ', 'Courage, determination and prosperity', 'Cycle, transformation and wisdom ', 'Joy, carefree attitude and luck ', 'Prudence, vigilance and attention to detail ', 'Adaptability, defence and resourceful ', 'Patience, perseverance and concentration', 'Protection, surveillance and compassion ']; var cardsDescr = ['Life has reserved some pleasant surprises for you. As your animal totem is the bee you should evaluate your activities. Maybe you are spending too much time running around everywhere without really taking the time to actually experience life. Allow yourself to enjoy the gentle rhythm of life around you, free yourself from making heavy self-judgements. ', 'Everything nourishes he who is already strong. Like your animal totem, the eagle, your imagination enables you to soar in your mind whilst keeping your feet firmly on the ground. Seize the opportunity to achieve your objectives without crushing others in your path. You will obtain unexpected support by respecting the freedom of others. ', 'New doors will open to you. Like your animal totem, the spider, your curiosity will lead you to explore new horizons, use them to your advantage. You will need to wait for the right time to obtain what you desire, do not give in to hastiness as you could bitterly regret it later. Your sense of creativity always enables you to reach success where others may meet with failure. ', 'Follow your intuition and your inner guide becomes your best ally. Like your animal totem, the whale, you are connected with the cosmic conscience which enables you to understand more deeply what links us to the earthly world. Your imagination can however sometimes lead you astray and away from the real world. ', 'Get closer to the heart of nature and observe silently. Like your animal totem, the weasel, you should learn to develop your inner ability for observation and trust your instincts. Your intuition will enable you to avoid trouble and pursue your objectives successfully. Offer your assistance to those who need it, calmly and with discretion. ', 'Like your animal totem, the chameleon, you can adapt to any situation, you are highly sensitive to the energy of those around you which you can often use to your advantage, particularly in business. You should concentrate on the present, do not waste time on the past or future, in this way you will save precious time. Learn to have trust in others. ', 'Like your animal totem, the camel, you always see a glass as half full, your optimism enables you to vanquish difficulties and overcome bad news without allowing yourself to be beaten. The camel enables you to remain positive in all circumstances thereby allowing you to succeed where others may fail. Your sense of preservation and economy provides you with endurance and protection. ', 'Like your animal totem, the cat, you pay particular attention to signs and omens. Use your skills at being self-sufficient and independent to bring all your projects to fruition. You can allow yourself to be guided by your instinct, your best ally, rather than listening to advice from others. You have the ability to escape into your own inner world whilst still being in the company of others. ', '', 'Concentrate your efforts; if you wish to accomplish something be clear in your objectives. Like your animal totem, the dog, you bring calm to those around you. Remember that goodness and kindness are more constructive than criticism and indifference. Put your generosity of heart to use and assist your friends by providing protection and attention. ', 'Use your inner wisdom as it will deliver an important message to you. Like your animal totem, the owl, pierce the secrets of darkness and allow yourself to be guided by your true path of life. Your gift of clairvoyance only requires encouragement. ', 'Do not allow small things overtake your life. Like your animal totem, the ladybird, you are curious and spiritual. You enjoy learning about the mysteries of the universe and are not content to live a tedious and banal life. The ladybird announces a period of luck and prosperity. ', 'Your determination will be the key to your success. Like your animal totem, the elephant, your intelligence serves you even in the most uncomfortable of situations. Cultivate patience and increased understanding with those around you, do not forget that family is important for you; you need to know how to maintain harmony around you and listen more. ', 'Use your intuition to reveal and determine what is happening in your life at present. Like your animal totem, the Pink Flamingo, you need to learn to cultivate a sense of balance. Ask your inner emotional self if you are truly in harmony and balance concerning your vibratory energies. If so you will glow with joy and love. ', 'There is only one thing to do: Advance. Like your animal totem, the cheetah, use your ability to concentrate intensely on something for a short period of time. You will know how to instantly respond to all opportunities or dangers that cross your path. Your natural empathy will know how to respond to the suffering of others. ', '', 'Go ahead and do what you have always wanted to do. Like your animal totem, the rabbit, you are unpredictable and spontaneous; your mental vitality provides you with a good sense of observation. This quality enables you to achieve great success for you and for those around you. ', 'Everything you start now will advance rapidly. Like your animal totem, the mongoose, you are popular with those around you, your protective role can seem a little heavy to bear at times so be careful not to spread yourself around too much. By accepting the support and advice of those close to you, you will feel more confident and you will enjoy greater efficiency. ', 'Feel joy and freedom fill your heart. Like your animal totem, the seagull, you enjoy and encourage friendship and communication. Co-operation with others allows you to rapidly climb the steps to success. Your ability to adapt offers you the possibility of surfing on the waves of emotions and intense feelings. ', '', 'Creative expression is important to you today. Like your animal totem, the bird, you search for continual renewal in your life. This desire for constant change could create impatience in you when things do not advance quickly enough. You need to cultivate patience, tenacity and perseverance. ', 'Take the time to discover your own inner strength. Like your animal totem, the bear, you can face a new challenge every day. You do not hesitate to adopt an aggressive attitude when it comes to defending your interests. You have a sense of responsibility and can be an excellent guide if asked. ', 'Look at things from a different point of view. Like your animal totem, the panda, you are a gentle soul who can adapt to their environment. You seek peaceful surroundings and often engage in solitary activities. You know how to balance positive and negative energies which enables you to develop a natural spiritual strength. ', 'New spiritual opportunities open to you today, cease them without hesitation. Like your animal totem the peacock, you love being the centre of attention and this may create hidden jealousy by others. Despite all, you are capable of trust and those close to you can count on your sincerity. ', 'Take your path in life accepting changes with good faith and good will. Like your animal totem, the butterfly, you are able to accept changes with ease and elegance. You are highly sensitive to mood changes but these do not affect your choices or your personal projects. ', 'Success is the ability to adapt and allow yourself to be carried along on the current. Like your animal totem, the octopus, your vivacious spirit enables you to confront any difficult situation; the intellectual world is your preferred domain. You are able to concentrate on your objectives. Your physical appearance changes according to your mood and your relationships. ', 'Prepare yourself for a period of change, transformation and intrigue. Like your animal totem, the penguin, you need to prepare yourself for chaos to be able to restore order to the mayhem that takes place throughout your life. This makes you a person who is capable of working in a team, someone who can adapt to any unexpected situation. ', 'Continuous effort is the key to your success. Like your animal totem, the chicken, you have the gift of a powerful enthusiasm and, in all actions, know how to skilfully combine patience and audacity. You are able to adapt your resources to new situations that present themselves. You prefer to be surrounded by others than by yourself. ', 'It is important to show that you are a particularly sensitive person. Like your animal totem, the shark, fight for what you desire, do not retreat when facing adversity. The shark reminds you that great opportunities exist in life but you need to seize them when the time is right. Be courageous and ruthless and you will achieve all your objectives. ', 'Confront your problems immediately; do not leave for tomorrow that which you can do today. Like your animal totem, the wild boar or the pig, you should use your talents to a strategic end to withdraw from something. In your private life the presence of children plays a determining role for your well being. Being gently affectionate and a protector, you feel useful in their company. ', 'A period rich in transformation will come knocking at your door. Like your animal totem the snake you will experience something important which will transform your life. Ensure you keep a clear mind so you do not take the wrong direction. You know how to be charming in company; your presence is often requested due to your sharp mind. ', 'Today is your lucky day, benefit from the happiness that life brings you. Like your animal totem the monkey you can enjoy the momentary present by relaxing and giving your thoughts free reign. Your good mood and jovial demeanour will allow you to unwind and enjoy yourself. ', '', 'You feel very strong and powerful today. It is a good day to attack those tenacious problems that you have left to one side. Like your animal totem the tiger, no-one can resist you, your will to overcome any setback makes you invincible and irresistible. Your independent and solitary side does not allow you to call on outside help. ', 'Remain within your shell and only go out when your ideas are clear. Like your animal totem the tortoise you should advance step by step today. Take your time; haste is not always the best way to achieve your goal. You will need all your energy to face others. ', ''];