var cardsTitle = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']; var cardsImage = ['ange_amour.jpg', 'ange_amour_eternel.jpg', 'ange_confiance.jpg', 'ange_connaissance.jpg', 'ange_creation.jpg', 'ange_discernement.jpg', 'ange_enfant.jpg', 'ange_essence_amour.jpg', 'ange_foi.jpg', 'ange_gloire.jpg', 'ange_harmonie.jpg', 'ange_jeune.jpg', 'ange_jeunesse.jpg', 'ange_liberte.jpg', 'ange_maturite.jpg', 'ange_miracle_amour.jpg', 'ange_misericorde.jpg', 'ange_paix.jpg', 'ange_paradis.jpg', 'ange_pardon.jpg', 'ange_prince_est.jpg', 'ange_prince_nord.jpg', 'ange_prince_ouest.jpg', 'ange_prince_sud.jpg', 'ange_puissance.jpg', 'ange_reconciliation.jpg', 'ange_sagesse.jpg', 'ange_sante.jpg', 'ange_serenite.jpg', 'ange_service.jpg', 'ange_spiritualite.jpg', 'gabriel.jpg', 'metatron.jpg', 'michael.jpg', 'raphael.jpg', 'uriel.jpg']; var cardsSigni = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']; var cardsDescr = ['Angel of Love : I accept love with gratitude. Its beauty opens my heart and humbles me. You will enter a promising period for a new romantic encounter or you will experience a renewal in your current romantic relationship. ', 'Angel of Eternel Love : I allow love to enter me and fill my soul forever. Do not give in, if you have lost the love of someone close to you. Make yourself available to new relationships, they will provide fulfilment and comfort.', 'Angel of Trust : I trust in the divine power of love and good that guides and protects me. By adopting a wary and defensive attitude you may create tension around you, let go and change your way of seeing things. ', 'Angel of Knowledge : Inner knowledge leads me to the light. It is by developing your intellectual abilities that you will achieve your current desires, so open your mind to the acquisition of knowledge and understanding. ', 'Angel of Creation : I represent creative energy by choosing to fully express my feelings. Express yourself fully and without restraint, your sensitivity will open doors to inspiration and creativity. ', 'Angel of Discernment : Divine grace indicates the correct path. You will obtain the gift of clairvoyance and be able to separate wise words from dishonest actions; you will distance yourself from certain ill-meaning people. ', 'Angel of Children : I honour the precious child in me. I nourish and cherish all beginnings. You can count on the valuable support of those close to you during hard times; they will remain loyal and generous.', '', 'Angel of Faith : I believe that goodness and joy will be mine today and forever. You will receive a gift, a reward or protection. It could also be a secret confided to you as you are someone who merits trust. ', 'Angel of Glory : I sing to the praise and glory of the source of all life. If your daily life is lacking in luck and success then you will soon be touched by the grace of a miracle.', 'Angel of Harmony : When I am as one with the source I live in harmony. You need to clear away all the conflicts that stop you feeling profoundly happy, become closer to nature; it will help restore the happiness you seek. ', 'Angel of the Young : I am guided and loved as I begin to choose my path in life. Make good choices in order to not miss a major opportunity; do not neglect to demonstrate your abilities, they will serve you as tools for success. ', 'Angel of Youth : By sharing my enthusiasm, my good moods and my joy in life, I will protect and honour the youth in me. Your youthful spirit and enthusiasm delight all you meet. ', 'Angel of Freedom : I am always free to choose love, independence and creativity. You will feel the desire to assert yourself and become free from the grip and influence of others. You will become aware of your true values. ', 'Angel of Maturity : By accepting my responsibilities I develop my inner strength. You will have an important decision before you shortly; listen to advice from those more experienced before deciding. ', 'Angel of the Miracle of Love : I was born of the miracle of love. You will feel inspired and creative, the time has come to prepare new projects for the future, you may even have to accept the coming of a new child.', 'Angel of Mercy : Divine mercy grants me the grace to accept and forgive. An important meeting will take place soon; it could be a new unanticipated love, accept it as a celestial gift. ', 'Angel of Peace : I open my heart and relax in the peace of divine love. You will be guided and assisted in your quest for peace, justice and harmony. This encouragement will make you a better person and you will be freed from certain conflicts. ', 'Angel of Paradise : My soul resides in the truth that my being is eternal. Here is the mandala of life, the symbol of the eternal renewal of things; each cause produces the same effect. Learn to benefit, spiritually, from lessons of the past. ', 'Angel of Forgiveness : I choose to forgive all those who have hurt me in the past. You will free yourself of all resentment and frustrations from your past, thanks to your opening to forgiveness. You will advance lightly, free from the weight of bitterness. ', 'Angel of the Eastern Prince : I purify my spirit by affirming my value and assuming my emotional choices. You will free yourself from the weights of tradition and family obligation by valuing your own point of view and not allowing yourself to be influenced in your romantic decisions. ', 'Angel of the Northern Prince : I am unique and I express joy and gratitude. You will have all the strength you need to transform, like an alchemist, all negative thoughts of those around you into positive messages. You will be supported in your intellectual work. ', 'Angel of the Western Prince : By love and goodness I act on objective reality. Develop your intuitive side and learn to listen to your inner voice, you will learn much about the secret truths of your soul.', 'Angel of the Southern Prince : Soothed by the flow of divine love, I free myself of all pain and tension. Discard all polluting habits, on the spiritual and material levels. Choose a healthy diet and oxygenate your mind and body.', 'Angel of Power : The power of divine love surrounds and protects me. Free yourself of all prejudice, they obstruct you and stop you advancing freely. Accept that others may be different from you.', 'Angel of Reconciliation : I am reconciled to all I leave behind me. Learn from your past experiences and by accepting your past, the good and the bad, you will become greater and more liberated.', 'Angel of Wisdom : Wisdom comes from the depth of experience. Take a step back from the material things that surround you, learn to put things in perspective and master your emotions, they are fleeting. ', 'Angel of Health : I love myself and accept myself completely. You will have the necessary vitality to vanquish the obstacles that cross your path, even the most unforeseen. If you are unwell then you will be victorious over your illness. ', 'Angel of Serenity : By accepting myself I gain peace and serenity. Renounce the futile fights with your ego, accept the divine in you and this light will shine and reflect on those around you.', 'Angel of Service : By giving the best of my abilities and good will, I hold a place of major importance in the Universe. You can give some of your time to the service of the poor, the old and the weak.', 'Angel of Spirituality : I express my spirituality in simply being myself. You will need peace and tranquillity to be able to hear your inner voice. Do not allow doubt to invade your heart.', 'Gabriel : In my entirety I represent the messenger of love, of friendship and of freedom. Gabriel is the bringer of good news, you can soon be happy in the interest shown to you.', 'Metatron : I am connected to the source of good, of love and creativity. Metatron offers his support and advice for all your projects relating to love and work, he knows of your fair efforts and will help you discard the bad habits that take over your life.', 'Michael : I am justice and the truth, my integrity is my strength. You should fight against your negative tendencies, do not allow yourself to be drawn into pessimistic thoughts, you will find the celestial support you need to guide you towards peace. ', 'Raphael : I am strength and healing through the sole divine power. Your suffering will be soothed and you will be guided towards the best therapy for the mind and body. You will find the serenity and harmony you seek.', 'Uriel : The divine light comes from the inside. For all eternity I am the light, love and wisdom. You will see the light either through dreams, or by listening inside to your past and your future, this will enable you to use your knowledge for the better.'];